Sunday, February 10, 2013

Officially Now a Movement

Somebody emailed me this:

Message: This is so timely. I am part of the XXX peace coalition and we met tonight and were asking ourselves, "how do we as a peace community "respond" to all of this gun violence?". I am not good with words, but the visual you depict is chilling and I am curious, want more information and insight from you on the creation/reaction you have witnessed. 
thank you for leading this with an artistic voice!

Whenever I post an email like this I delete any identifying features in the text.  The XXX refers to a western state.  The email is lovely, but what makes it amazing is that it came out of the blue from so far away.  Amazing is the wrong word, given the power of the internet, but still, given that at this point I've not really gone "public" in a committed way, it is quite something.

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